
Moving day blues...

Sorry guys, this week has been moving week as we switch apartments, so there wasn't any time to get the page finished!

Check back next week!


  1. Good to see you posting again after such a long dry spell! What kept you away for months like that?

  2. Moving houses, family visiting for a week, school, work... Really, this comic is one of the only things in my life that's NOT mandatory at this point! Until the day comes that this comic can pay my bills, this comic is the first thing I have to axe when it's crunch time.

    1. Hi Chelsee~

      Please know that although I only stumbled across your little gem here a few months ago, I still check every week to see if you have returned or have left a note about a new project. Your art is beautifully soulful; you convey more life with each panel than some people do with a full day in their real lives. Please don't take this as pressure, just as an homage to your gift.

  3. So is the comic dead then? I hope not, but it's been about four months now...

  4. Yep... dead as the Dead Sea...

  5. Discovered your comic a few weeks ago, and realy enjoy the characters, premise, and artwork. Hope your situation stabilizes so you may continue.

    I'll keep lurking in the shadowed corner I'm so very fond of.

  6. I do hope you're going to update again. The comic holds a lot of promise and has some fascinating characters.

  7. Hey, guys, it's Katie (the co-author >_<)!
    Thank you SO, SOOOO much for your comments, and we're truly sorry for not updating in such a very very long time. The comic is NOT yet dead, although it has been dormant for... geez, like nine months now... due in part to my colleague Chelsee's low self-esteem regarding her artwork. I hope she'll rediscover her confidence after this long break. The amount of work she puts into each page is amazing, so I don't feel I can push her into anything - after all, I put in maybe 1/8 the effort that she does - but it is really inspiring to see that people out there actually enjoy her art and our story; I will try to impress that upon her. I hope we can show you a new page soon. Thank you to everyone who's said something about it, and thank you for checking back in on us sometimes. Really.

  8. I always thought the artwork on this comic was among some of the most interesting and... Well, pretty. I'll admit, I'm not exactly an expert on matters illustrated, more of a comic layman, but there's my two pence. It would be nice to see this updating again.

  9. Chelsee, you have an amazing and unique art-style. What drew my attention to the comic was first and foremost the art, and discovered a wonderful storyline paired with the art. I would absolutely LOVE to see more of your work, and more of this graphic novel. I can guarantee if I spotted this in a book store I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I hope you get your spark back! ^-^

  10. I enjoyed the art work, the characters, and the story line. I went through the archives in no time. I was disapointed when I found out work on the story had been "Suspended". I know doing something like this has to be a labor of love (God knows you will probably never get rich doing this.). I hope you find your heart for the story again. I would be a shame for something this wonderful to wind up as just another dead vision. What ever happens, I just wanted you to know how much I've enjoyed the story. Thank you and good luck, what ever you decide.

  11. Over the years, I've read literally hundreds of webcomics. I've seen thousands of characters. The number of them that were convincing, engaging, and stunning can be counted in the single digits. Yours is one of those. I admit that I am a total idiot.. but even I can see the promise herein.

    My cynical side saw the first page and shrugged. I turned the page.. then the next.. then the next. I was enthralled. Numerous artists can take paint and bring a scene to life. Few can take ink, and paper, and bring a story to life so compellingly.

    Even if you never draw again, the experience for this idiot was humbling... and worth it.

  12. I think that i speak for all of your readers when i say come back, we missed you and your characters, there is still so much to see, please come back.

  13. (Glides out of the shadowed corner)

    Still checking, still hoping...

    (Glides back into the shadowed corner)

  14. It's a crying shame that this comic died, I enjoyed almost everything about it. I even adapted the setting for use with my tabletop gaming group.

  15. As a webcomic critic (having been around reviewing since 2005) I have to say that this is a superbly drawn and fascinating webcomic, and I truly want to see more. I hope the cartoonist regains her interest in this comic, because this is among the top 10 hiatus-bound comics I truly wish would come out of hiatus.

    Rob H.

  16. I agree with all of the above. I've had this comic bookmarked for ages and am really hoping to see it come back. The story is enough to pull anyone in and I feel for the characters and wonder how the plot threads will come together. From an artistic standpoint, please understand that your work is GOOD. Not to sound preachy, but Chelsee, look at the first page of this comic and see how much you've improved - it's been a fantastic learning experience for you and amazing for us to follow. I'm an artist too and really love the gestural linework and expressions you give your characters and ADORE the bright colors! You make these characters come to life for the reader, and the panels are presented well and are easy to follow. Even if you're just looking at this page, look at the panel 5 insert! What a GREAT face, and I love the way you're playing around with lighting. Your backgrounds could use more work, but the characters are what draw us in and what we love. The rest is just icing :)

    Anyhoo, not to belabor the point, but there are a lot of people out here who love y'all's work and would really like to see more of it. If at all possible look at the comic as a fun way to make your work progress; don't be self conscious about what you've done in the past, but measure your art by the way it's grown in leaps and bounds. You have a ton of people lurking around as a resource to ask questions to for free! If you're wondering how/what to improve, ask, and take their critique as advice on how to work your mojo even better and not to heart or as an insult.

    Gods I'm wordy. Luv y'all! Still lurking...

  17. Add me to the chorus of people wanting to see and read more. Compelling story, interesting characters, beautiful and expressive art - it's worth continuing. :)

  18. Das hawt yo. Sucks wit da hiatus n whatnot. Should finish it. Whatevs. Yo life n shit. Shame tho. Some good shit.


  19. (Glides out of the shadowed corner)

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or whatever else you celebrate.

    Yes, still waiting...still hoping.

    (Glides back into the shadowed corner)

  20. *Plays with centuar plushie*

    Aiya Chelsee!!! Been checking up on your comic here little over a year now... Excluding keeping up with the weekly updates and all that jazz. ^w^ (Practically been with ya since day 1).

    But I know what it's like to lose confidence in one's work... It's like riding a psychotic horse towards a burning stable. @_@;

    But... I really do hope that you get back into the saddle and rein in that four-legged rampage called life! :D
    (It doesn't really like it when the rider takes control, so it's gonna buck a bit at first. ;P )

    Happy Hunting and Namarie!


  21. *le sigh* I still pop in every few months to check for an update. Unfortunately, I'm always disappointed. This comic was so interesting, it had such potential. ='(

  22. Even now, I keep checking back, hoping.
